Did you know that Top to Bottom offers Deep Cleaning and Mini-Deep Cleaning options that are perfect for your holiday happenings preparations? Have you started your holiday home spruce up yet?

Gutters and gardens & the yard again!?!
Clear those gutters of autumn leaves. They look so much better on the trees.
Garden weeds are not for show. We must uproot them as we go.
Mow the yard, one more time. We need to keep this grass in line.
Upstairs and up where?? Ohhh, underneath there too!
Up the stairs, to the left or the right? It seems like we’ll be cleaning all night.
Ceilings and fans, windows and walls. We’ve got to make sure we clean it all.
Baseboards and carpets and hardwoods yet still. Did we get that windowsill?
Entryways and everyday rooms,
The lobby, the foyer, look down the walk. Did the children pick up their drawing chalk?
Check the hallway and next the den. There were so many cards to send.
Living rooms, bedrooms, take all the strength you can muster. Into the closet for that old “Dust Buster”
Straightening and scrubbing and sweeping with brooms.
Sweep the hardwoods and polish to shine. The guests will arrive in almost no time!
Scrub the stove and mop the floor. In no time, they’ll be at your door.
Straighten up all the knick knacks. Place all the magazines in stacks.
Tidying up and Tired. Oh no, they're already here.
Is the dining room set? Oh no, not yet.
Silverware, plates, glasses and bowls. Now, what are we forgetting? It’s right under our nose.
We have dinner, decorations and china that’s fine. Oh me, oh my, where’s the wine?
Smile...you did it. Relax, it's time to toast with cheer!
Hurry, off to the store, once more. In an hour, guests will be at the door.
Back again, finally, grab a shower real quick. Now, it’s time to light the candle wicks.
Look around, breathe, put on a smile. Knock-knock. They’re here. All relax for a while.
Are you out of time to do it yourself? We’re happy to be your holiday elf.
Helping out along the way. Schedule your holiday cleaning or repairs today!
Call us now at (803) 669-6340 or fill out the “Contact Us” form here!